How secured are my AWS Keys?
All AWS Keys and AWS Secret Keys are stored in double encrypted database
Do I have to use my Amazon Master Access Key?
No. You can if you want to, but it is not required. Instead of Master Key we recommend to use IAM Key.
To be able to utilize all features, we recommend grant administrator privilege to IAM user.
How to setup notification for executed schedulers?
From the Dashboard click “Update Profile.” Under “Notification” you can select either:
  • - “Don’t send notification” – this option prevents any emails to be sent regarding execution status
  • - “Send notification when action failed” – email will be sent only when execution has failed
  • - “Send notification when action success or failed” – notification email will be sent regardless of the execution status
Why are some features unavailable under Free Trial?
Free Trial is only available under Basic Plan, therefore only the features under this plan will be accessible.
To get the list of all features available under each plan, please visit: http://www.ecloudgate.com/Features
How to cancel my account/subscription?
You can cancel your subscription at any time. From the “Dashboard” page go to “Update Profile” and click “Cancel Account.”
Can I use Multi-Factor authentication?
Yes. We are supporting Google Authenticator that can be run from your smartphone.
To enable Multi Factor Authentication from the “Dashboard” page go to “Update Profile,” check “Turn On Two Factors Authentication” and scan QR picture using Google Authenticator app.
How do I get charged?
When you subscribe our service you have two default options to chose from as the payment methods:
  • Credit Card – we accepting all major credit card
  • Pay Pal
Note: All credit cards are process directly by 3rd part company. Elastic Cloud Gate is not storing any credit card information
Do you accept any other forms of payments?
Yes. We can accept payments by Checks or ACH Invoice. For more information please contact support at: http://www.ecloudgate.com/Contact
How long can I use Elastic Cloud Gate for free?
Elastic Cloud Gate can be used free for 14 days.
What will happen to my schedulers after my free trial ends?
When the free trial expires, all scheduled actions will be suspended. You will get additional 7 days to switch to one of our regular plans.
If no action is taken after 7 days, your account with all information will be deleted.
I cannot login to my account – what should I do?
If you attempted to login 3 times with wrong password, your account will be locked out without an option to recover the password.
In this case please contact our support at: http://www.ecloudgate.com/Contact
How to delete scheduler for EBS Volume or EC2 Instance that was terminated?
To delete scheduler set for the EBS Volume or EC2 Instance that was terminated, please follow these steps:
  • - Go to “Alerts & Reports”
  • - In the “Elastic Cloud Gate Log” table find the scheduler’s log and from the menu select “Delete Scheduler.”
How to setup a different default page/region after login?
The default page shown after login is Dashboard. Also the default AWS region is us-east-1(US East (Northern Virginia) Region). You can change these settings under “User Profile” To do this from the “Dashboard” page go to “Update Profile” and make selection under “Favorite Section” and “Favorite Region.”
Where can I see my activity and schedulers’ log?
All activities and logs are available under “Alerts & Reports” section.
Where can I see Console Users activity log?
To review all activities for Console Users go to “User Management” page and from the menu in users table select “Audit Log.”
Why am I receiving the error: “Cannot create more than 50 manual snapshots”?
This is a limitation currently enforced by RDS. You can request from RDS team to increase the limit for your AWS account. Here is a link to all limitations enforced by AWS: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws_service_limits.html#limits_rds
In addition, you should schedule maintenance of RDS to delete old snapshots.
To read more, visit our blog: http://blog.ecloudgate.com/how-to-create-and-maintain-rds-backups/